Monday 7 March 2022

My new blog

  I am still blogging. You can read my new blog here.

Thursday 20 January 2022

Summer life

Kia ora,

Today I have been creating a poem about summer life. My poem is set in my favourite place. Can you guess what it is?

If you were wanting to write a poem I would  suggest writing one about something you know alot about so it's easier to get describing words.

Ma te wa


Sunday 16 January 2022

My word cloud

 Kia ora,

Today I have been making a word cloud about the holidays. To create a word cloud you have to  go ona app  to create and write down a set of words that you want to be in it then you choose a shape and the colours you want it to be.

I enjoyed creating my word cloud and I found it realy fun.

Ma te wa


Saturday 15 January 2022

Cleaning the storage pile

 Kia ora,

Today I cleaned up are storage pile in the garage and there was so much food there was juce chips and so many cans so once I was finished I decided to write a poem about it.

In my poem I named some of the food I found in the sorge pile. 

I hope you enjoy reading my poem 

Ma te wa


A picnic outside a graveyard

 Kia ora,

Today I wrote a poem about when I was on my way to Hamilton and we stopped in Rotorua to have a picnic and soon we realised that we were having a picnic at a graveyard.

What's one of the weirdest things you've done before? I know that's close to the top of my list.

Well, I was in Rotorua. I have learnt that roto means lake in mario and I know that rua means two so rotorua means two lakes. I also learnt that there were other places with roto in the name like rotoma white lake and roto ete  small lake.

Ma te wa 


Friday 14 January 2022

My Poem

  Kia ora,

Today i have been writing poems

To write a poem the first thing you need to do is choose a topic it can be about yourself, your favourite food or even a place or a season.

Once you have chosen your topic you need to think of some word to describe your topic like if it was a dog you might say furry or loyal.

I enjoyed writing poems because I think that it's really fun finding heaps of new words that you can use.

I found it challenging to find a topic for the poem.

Ma te wa 


My pet pug

Kia ora,

Today I have been writing a clerihew

about my pug dog sid. 

A clerihew is a short poem with the first

line  ending with a name.

I enjoyed finding a topic for my poem

I found it challenging to find rhyming words for my poem.

Ma te wa
